Written Agreement Family Law Act


The Written Agreement in the Family Law Act: A Comprehensive Guide

When two parties decide to separate or divorce, one of the most important things they need to take care of is the division of assets and liabilities. The Family Law Act provides guidelines on how to divide assets and liabilities fairly, but to do so, parties must first come to a written agreement. In this article, we will discuss what a written agreement is, why it is important, and how to create one that meets the requirements of the Family Law Act.

What is a written agreement?

A written agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms of the separation or divorce. It is a contract between the two parties that sets out how they will share their assets and liabilities, as well as any other matters related to the separation, such as child custody and support.

Why is a written agreement important?

A written agreement is important because it provides clarity and certainty for both parties. Without a written agreement, there may be confusion and disputes about how to divide assets and liabilities, and this can lead to costly court battles. A written agreement can also help to protect the interests of both parties, ensuring that each party gets a fair share of the assets and liabilities.

How to create a written agreement that meets the requirements of the Family Law Act

To create a written agreement that meets the requirements of the Family Law Act, parties must follow the guidelines outlined in the act. These guidelines include:

1. The agreement must be in writing: The agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties. It should clearly state the date on which it was signed.

2. The agreement must be voluntary: The agreement must be entered into voluntarily and without coercion or undue influence.

3. The agreement must be fair: The agreement must be fair and reasonable, taking into account the interests of both parties.

4. The agreement must be made with full disclosure: Both parties must provide full disclosure of all assets and liabilities. This includes assets and liabilities that are held jointly or separately.

5. The agreement must consider the needs of any children: If there are children involved, the agreement must consider their needs and provide for their support.

6. The agreement must be reviewed regularly: The agreement should be reviewed regularly to ensure that it is still fair and reasonable. It should also be updated if there are any significant changes in circumstances.

In addition to these guidelines, parties should also seek the advice of a lawyer to ensure that the agreement meets the requirements of the Family Law Act. A lawyer can provide advice and assistance in drafting the agreement, as well as ensuring that it is legally binding.


A written agreement is an essential part of any separation or divorce. It provides clarity and certainty for both parties and can help to protect their interests. To create a written agreement that meets the requirements of the Family Law Act, parties must follow the guidelines outlined in the act and seek the advice of a lawyer. By doing so, they can ensure that the agreement is fair, reasonable, and legally binding.