Eb9 Agreement Teachers


If you`re a teacher in Ontario, you may have heard of the EB9 agreement. This agreement is an important one for teachers in the province, as it outlines their salaries, benefits, and other important aspects of their work.

The EB9 agreement, also known as the Elementary Teachers` Federation of Ontario Collective Agreement, covers over 83,000 teachers and education workers across the province. It was negotiated between the Elementary Teachers` Federation of Ontario (ETFO) and the Ontario government, and became effective on September 1, 2014.

One of the key aspects of the EB9 agreement is the salary grid. This grid determines the salaries of teachers based on their years of experience and qualifications. Each year, teachers move up the grid and can receive incremental increases in pay. The agreement also includes provisions for professional development and reimbursement for certain expenses.

In addition to salaries, the EB9 agreement also covers benefits such as sick leave, maternity and parental leave, and long-term disability benefits. It also includes provisions for class size and composition, which is a major issue for teachers in Ontario. The agreement sets out guidelines for class size and the number of students with special needs that can be assigned to each class.

The EB9 agreement is an important document for teachers in Ontario, as it provides stability and predictability in terms of their salaries and benefits. It also helps to ensure that teachers are able to provide quality education to their students by setting guidelines for class size and composition.

As a teacher in Ontario, it`s important to understand the EB9 agreement and how it affects your work. By familiarizing yourself with the agreement, you can ensure that you are receiving the salary and benefits that you are entitled to, and that you are providing the best possible education to your students.